About: Antoine Thomas
Antoine is a native of New York City and a graduate of Eastern Illinois University and has an extensive background in performing arts and education. He has a BS in Biology and focusses on movement.a Additionally, he has a MS in Instructional Design focussing on training skill development and curriculum development . Antoine also is certified in work place performance. Antoine is the former developer and director of the EIU Dancers of Eastern Illinois University and is a former Performance Art's Minister. Antoine loves to work with children of all ages and ability levels, from the youngest beginner to the most advanced teen and everything in between. In addition to years of training in ballet, tap, jazz, modern, lyrical, acting, and hip hop. Antoine works to bring energy and excitement for learning to his classroom and hopes to instill a love of the arts into each and every student.
Antoine is the Business Coordinator of the DanceLife Center, which is home to more than 200 dancers.